Isaiah 66:22,23 New heavens and earth. During the millinium Zechariah 14:16. Doesn't make sense we would have the old law and feasts back then and then Jehovah takes it away now and then gives it back to us in the millinium. When Jehovah said these are my feasts and to keep them indefinitely and then after harmeggedon and forever we keep them. Also, he would have told Mary, Martha and some of his desciples not to keep it but they had to get him into the ground for the next day was the sabbath. Day after he died.Next day was ffeast of unleaven bread and was a high sabbath. They bought the spices and then had to rest for the weekly sabbath.After his death. Why would they be resting if Jesus did away with it. So, if we don't have to keep the sabbath 4th commandment then we don't have to keep any of the rest. Ten years after Christs death, Peter was still keeping the dietary laws.Romans 3:31 tells us by faith we establish the law.
Every scripture in Psalms 119 is about the law. If we were to believe most of Christianity that we don't have to keep the sabbath of the bible because it is not specifically recommanded in the NT, then how do we interpret John when he says to keep the commandments of YHWH when there is no testament at that time to look through?It's the same commandments of the 1st centurey as it is today. The same when Jehovah started out. Acts 18:21 part of it was taken out of NWT and other bibles but in the KJ's bible Paul is saying he has to go to Jeruselum and KEEP THE FEAST. This is years after Jesus death.
Matthew 24:20 was also an endtime prophecy and yet if we're not keeping the sabbath why does Jesus say hope it doen't happen in the winter or on a sabbath?Jesus was constantly accused of breaking the sabbath and yet he never broke his fathers law. He said he kept it perfectly for if he would have broken the law then he wouldn't have been our Messiah. For he had to be sinless. If Jesus or Paul would have taught against it they would have been stoned to death. It was put down on stone, never to be erased. Nothing was prophesyed to end it. Acts 15:20'21. There's no way that Jesus, Paul or others were hypocrites by saying don't keep the sabbath and feasts and then they go and do it and it was kept way after Jesus death.
Society likes to pluck a scripture here and there for example the faithful and discreet slave but you have to read the whole context and you find out society had it wrong. Especially when Paul was saying no no you don't let any one judge you because of the sabbath or new moon. He was putting it across you keep it! To each their own but now I have a whole different understanding in following in Jesus footsteps closely and they are not burdensome. Lev 23 has the whole outline of how we are to keep Jehovah's laws and feasts. Sabbath is a blessing not a bondage.
Spring feasts have been fulfilled or in hebrew make rich and they are Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits and Pentecost
Fall feasts which are future prophecy to be fulfilled are Feasts of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles. It's no coincedence that the feast of trumpets are called the lords day.That's when he comes back to do the judgeing. There's only two days that are the Lords day and that is Lord of the sabbath and when he comes again. Right after the vision that John saw on the Lord's day in Revelation, the next day a trumpet was blow and he hears a voice.
It took along time to get that witless mentality out of my mind. We were duped!!!!!!